Commercial Installations
Fibre optics can provide unique lighting solutions and bring unusual variety to all manner of commercial environments. Their flexibility, and facility for re-configuration and re-use, make them a sound investment for situations where brand identity requires constant refreshment through redesign and representation.
Apart from the facility for customisation and bespoke design, the benefits of using fibre optic lighting systems include:
extremely low power consumption
minimal and easy remote maintenance
genuine durability
no ultra-violet or infra-red radiation (no fading of merchandise)
no heat or electricity at output (easy handling by staff)
a comprehensive range of control protocols.
Fortnum & Mason
Individual illumination of wine bottles inside a large display cabinet is a perfect application for fibre optics. The absence of any heat emission from the light means no damaging changes in temperature, which would affect the quality of these fine wines.
All the fibres are integrated into the construct of the cabinets themselves, with one light head highlighting each label. The lightsources are located in a ventilated void below.
Clements Inn
The fibres have been permanently built in to this enormous artwork, where they will sustain for as long as the display itself is retained within the reception area. Light sources are located behind, within a general service duct, for ease of maintenance as necessary.
The Walbrook Building
Obtaining an even light distribution uniformly along nearly 200 tubes was a resounding triumph - a unique lighting achievement in which Absolute Action's design and production team were proud to have been principal contributors.