Canopies and Atria
The challenge of lighting large, inaccessible locations is often solved by the use of fibre optic lighting systems where the light source can be remotely situated and easily maintained. Absolute Action's bespoke manufacturing, extensive experience in design, knowledge of performance, and development of maximum output lighting techniques produce reliable, low maintenance, enduring systems that stand the test of time.
The Bentalls Store in Kingston-on-Thames (right) is a perfect example of Absolute Action's skill at lighting what originally might seem to be 'the impossible'. The roof structure, which is higher than the nave of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, required a lighting system which would provide enhancement without compromising the open aspects of the structure during daylight.
Exhaustive testing and prototyping along the way ensured that the end result was a fibre optic installation that was highly commended in the 1992 Architectural Journal Focus Awards and which still endures magnificently, as good as the day the centre opened, over 20 years later.